Welcome to Nawodaya Special Children’s

School for Children with Special Needs

for more information

Educational Program
Therapeutic Intervention
Extracurricular Activities
Professional Team


Due to the pandemic these two years & the escalating cost of living presently some of our regular donors have informed us that it is difficult for them to continue with the donations hereafter due to financial constraints.

Therefore, we appeal to any kind donors to please commit to sponsoring us in any of the areas stated below.

The break down of the shortfall is as follows;

  • Teacher salaries including dancing, music, & handwork teachers.
  • Speech and physio therapy –
  • Occupation therapy
  • Breakfast and lunch
  • Medication for some of the children
  • Transport for children
  • Monthly building loan repayment to the Bank of Rs. 98K
  • Daycare Project

We humbly and graciously thank you in advance for your support towards the functioning of our special needs school.

About us

Nawodaya Special Children’s Foundation

We are a Non profit social service organization established in 2006, to educate and uplift the lives of physically and mentally challenged children of those families who are less fortunate.


Our Philosophy

Every child has a right to education and deserves to receive the best education. Our Children with special needs are no different. They have needs, desires, feelings, just like any other child. Their disabilities keep them from enjoying full lives, and therefore must be overcome. Education is one of the most important tools for success in life, to grow, and to move out into the world. In Navodaya, we provide appropriate education and services free of charge, promoting total development and full inclusion, to enrich the lives of Children with Special Needs.

Our Vision

To empower all persons and children with special needs taking a holistic approach allowing optimal development enabling them to live independently with self-respect and dignity.

Our Mission

To assist, rehabilitate and protect children with special needs, who are neglected due to different physical and mental disabilities, creating a feasible atmosphere, facilitating mental, spiritual, emotional, social and physical development, to integrate these groups to the society as useful citizens contributing positively to the development of the country.

"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."

Mother Teresa

We enroll children aged 02 to 16 with any difficulty that interferes with satisfactory functioning and progress in regular class room or at home. This includes but not limited to:

  • Attention Deficit Disorders
  • Intellectual disabilities
  • Developmental delays
  • Physical disabilities
  • Behavior disorders
  • Speech language disorders
  • Autism/PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorders)
  • Down Syndrome

Get In Touch

00 94 (0) 773619844
00 94 (0) 777590186


Address :
 No : 51/29, St. Anthonys Road, Kadalana, Moratuwa.